Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Gentoo EPIA Install (part 3)

(Previous blog entry)

While I'm not exactly sure when the first phase finished overnight, it was probably around 8-12 hours. I don't see any errors on the screen, so I'm assuming that I'm good to go for the next step in the handbook (chapter 6d).

One of the things I"m not sure about at this stage in the game is how to set the root password or what would happen if a reboot would occur. Poking around on the hard drive failed to turn up the passwd command, although I can see that the root account has already been assigned a password in the shadow password file. I'm guessing that I'd boot the LiveCD again, skip to the part where I chroot from the CD to the hard disk (after mounting all of my volumes by hand), then pickup whereever I left off.

Anyway, not much to this step, and it's another one that takes a while to run:

emerge system

Back in a few... (next entry).

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