Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Setting up FreeNX/NX on CentOS 5

Quick guide to setting up FreeNX/NX. This the approximate minimums on a fresh CentOS 5.1 box. We're limiting things to using public-key authentication from the outside and we already have a second ssh daemon running (listening on localhost, allowing password authentication).

Note: If you have ATRPMs configured as a repository, make sure that you exclude nx* and freenx*. (Add/edit the exclude= line in the ATRPMs .repo file.)

# yum install nx freenx
# cp /etc/nxserver/node.conf.sample /etc/nxserver/node.conf
# vi /etc/nxserver/node.conf

Change the following lines in the node.conf file:

-- remove the '#' at the start of the line

-- remove the '#' at the start of the line
-- change the zero to a one

-- remove the '#' at the start of the line
-- change the zero to a one

Change the server's public/private key pair:

# mv /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key.OLD
# mv /etc/nxserver/server.id_dsa.pub.key /etc/nxserver/server.id_dsa.pub.key.OLD
# ssh-keygen -t dsa -N '' -f /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key
# mv /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key.pub /etc/nxserver/server.id_dsa.pub.key
# cat /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key

You'll need to give the DSA Private Key information to people who should be allowed to use FreeNX/NX to access the server.

You'll also need to put the new public key into the authorized_keys2 file:

# cat /etc/nxserver/server.id_dsa.pub.key >> /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2

# vi /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2

Comment out the old key, put the following at the start of the good key line.


Restart the FreeNX/NX service:

# service freenx-server restart

You should now be able to connect (assuming that you specify the proper SSH port and paste the private key into the configuration).

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